June 1, 2009

Missing Cee-Cee (Part II)

Once Cee-Cee left, Owen and I knew we had to stay busy to fend off our sadness. So we ventured to our local Humane Society (and Beamer's former residence) to drop off a donation of old towels and food bowls, scouted out a new playground that we are going to try out tomorrow, then ducked into the supermarket for more chocolate soy milk.

After lunch at home we headed outside to enjoy this glorious weather - bubbles, car rides and laughter.

Then back inside to make a calendar so we can count down the days until C comes home again!

As you can see from Owen's arms, he's come a long way since the days when he came running to me in tears to wipe the stamp off his hand after Tumblekicks!

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