February 12, 2013


I'm not good with dates; I often don't remember the exact day events occurred. And I'm a little embarrassed to admit that the significance of today's date hadn't even started to resonate in my brain before my wonderful mother-in-law posted a sweet reminder on Facebook, and my very special friend Susan Cole sent an e-card (which I was a little late in opening!).

Today is the day known in the adoption community as our "Gotcha Day". The long awaited, long anticipated day when a judge we'd never before met listened to our rehearsed answers, and much more importantly, our overflowing hearts, and officially declared Owen our forever son. We are forever grateful to Kazakhstan, to our adoption agency, and to Owen's birth mother.

I knew Owen was meant for us the moment I looked into his big brown eyes; I've always felt that God had planned all along for him to be part of our family. And perhaps that's why in the hustle and joy of everyday life I lose track of the actual date; but make no mistake, I am so thankful for today - and all the days with Owen.

We love you Butter!

1 comment:

Nanny said...

You didn't think of his 'gotcha day' because now, every day with Owen is a 'gotcha day'! From the minute he gets up, it is filled with new adventures, memorable 'sayings', questions to be answered, schedules to keep, and of course the job of being his amazing Mommy!
You're wonderful Jodi, not only a blessing to Owen but to all of those who know you! We're all so fortunate we 'got you'!
Love you, Nanny