August 26, 2013

1st of 1st

In blog land and Facebook world we can present whatever image we choose. And so, today, there's this:

But sometimes reality looks a little different, as it did at our house this AM.

On the morning of his first day at a different school, riding the bus for the first time and not knowing his teacher because we missed back to school day while in Wisconsin, Owen woke with a bloody nose and tears. He didn't feel good, he wasn't "up for the bus today".

Daddy patiently and encouragingly eased him through the morning routine,  and sweet big sister Cearra called to wish him a great first day (while Mommy held back her own tears and made his favorite breakfast) but Owen ... well ...

He clung to me every step of the way to the bus stop, and his little face crumpled (as did my heart, again) when it was finally time to board. But with the help of our wonderful neighborhood kids - especially Stephenson - our brave little boy shouldered his backpack and climbed the stairs to his first day of first grade.

And now the house is really quiet, and my eyes are a little puffy. So, is it 4:00 yet?

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