December 12, 2013

A Christmas Tree

This season, this year, is hard. To celebrate Christmas while still nursing heart wounds is a daily balancing act. We choose not to ignore the joy and hope and promise of the holiday, but we do so always with the lingering sadness that we are not yet whole again.

My parents asked if they could gift Cearra with a Christmas tree; an idea I thought was wonderful. I happily dug into the box of ornaments to gather those which had been given to C through the years, and last night Nana, Pop-Pop, Owen, Bob and I met at her apartment to surprise her with this touch of holiday brightness.

It was a good night. We believe that family and love are everything, and in our gratitude for these steadfast truths we honor Dennis and his place in our lives, forever.

1 comment:

Maria said...

It's so hard but it says so much that you choose to still celebrate the good while dealing with such hurt and loss. It's what faith is all about.