August 10, 2017

A Family Vacation

Washington DC - a place of dreams, power, ideals and scandal. Despite my despair and disappointment in the current administration and the state of American politics in general (both sides of the aisle), I do love a visit to our nation's capital. Add a few jam-packed, walk-about days spent with my family, donut mornings and game nights, a short but sweet visit from Tim and Cearra, plus blissfully mild weather for July in "the swamp", and our annual vacation was a great one.

We gathered for the week in a rambling old gem of a home near Dupont Circle, built as the rectory of St. Augustine's Church and once used as a Civil War hospital. Full of niches, stained glass, gargoyles and gorgeous woodwork and topped off by a roof top terrace with a Washington Monument view.

And across the street, the House of the Temple, officially the "Home of The Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction". Owen, Nana and I took the free tour.

We walked and walked and walked. The Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol and National Mall. The Museum of Natural History (hello Chinese fanged deer and marlin skeleton) and the National Museum of the American Indian (gorgeous bead work and words of wisdom).

The details I love about this city; the history in the street lights and building facades; the artistry and grace of a neighborhood threshold and the smile of seeing a familiar sisterhood.


Lastly, the National Zoo. Lions and Tigers and (Panda) Bears.


And, of course, these four. Cousins. Friends. Laughing over shared meals, huddling close making silly videos and giggling, creating memories to last their lifetimes.  

May 15, 2017

Happy Mother's Day - Right on Time

A recent dinner table conversation:

Owen: "Was I born on-time, late or early?"

Me: "Well, we don't know that; remember, we weren't there when you were born"

Owen: "Oh yeah, you met me when I was ..."

Me: "Four months old. Although I'm gonna guess you were a little late. Like you were ready to be born and then you were like, ... oh hey - look at that cool thing over there!"

Owen: "I just thought you would want to thank my mom for having me"

Me: "Oh we would. We do thank her everyday for having you!"

Owen: "Like literally you would say, thank you for having my son"

Me: "Yep"

Owen: "Cause she literally had your son!"

Me: "Yes she did. We are so thankful she made the choice to have you and that you are our kid!"

Owen; "Yeah. What's for dessert?"

And so it is around here. The little additions that being an adoptive family add to our conversations about life and love and belonging and belief. I'm thankful for every piece of our story.

April 18, 2017

Bahama Mama Report

A few months ago Owen watched a YouTube video of the Atlantis water park and became fascinated with the water slides. Thanks to generous grandparents and Bob's hard work and financial planning, his dream became reality as we jetted off to the Bahamas for Spring Break.

When I told friends we were heading to Atlantis, the most common comment (after "can I go too?") was ... "the food is really expensive". I can confirm this is absolutely true, but that Owen thoroughly enjoyed his $16 Key Lime cheesecake slice and my $48 tuna fillet at Olives' was cooked how I prefer. I also tried my best to eat $65 in desserts at the Poseidon buffet - the boba tarts were my fave! After all, there's no dieting on vacation.

The resort is huge and gorgeous (good for walking off all those boba tarts) with interesting architecture and details everywhere plus four stunning "Chihulys".

I loved encountering sea life at every turn. There were turtles and sting rays and starfish in pools right outside our tower doors, sharks and other predators cruising overhead in a long tunnel and through blue lagoons, and fish of every kind enjoying the watery depths of "The Dig".

And while the pools at Atlantis are large and pretty, the stunning ocean a few feet away is the real draw for me. I was slightly disappointed as there had been a storm a few days earlier and for the first two days no one was allowed in the waves. The surf remained rough and we only ventured in up to our knees but just being in such beauty is amazing.

Fun was had by all at the water park. The "lazy" river ride was the best I've ever been on thanks to rapids and the waves that swept through the course. Owen tackled most of the slides, as did Bob and my dad got into the act too. But I'm the only one who braved the Leap of Faith!

Atlantis is also well known for Dolphin Cay. As Owen had been permitted to swim with a dolphin when we went to Discovery Cove a few years back, he thought the Sea Lion Trainer Experience would be fun ... and it was! We got a tour of the feeding and veterinary facilities - and saw a jar of sea lion cataracts, an eyeball, a dolphin tongue and brain, all floating in formaldehyde. Then we waded into a cold pool to interact with two sea lions. We were able to free swim with them, feed them, and give a command. Our trainer shared a lot of interesting facts - for example, the difference between sea lions and seals is that the former has external ear flaps while the latter does not - and another trainer let us watch a huge male play fetch with a float toy that he loves. No pictures unfortunately as personal cameras weren't allowed; and well, because scuba suits aren't flattering, especially if you have to pay over $100 for the pics! Before our session we watched the dolphin program which made me once again want to fulfill my life long dream of moving to the tropics and being a trainer!

Owen also managed to find time to join in with a Junkanoo band, play the slots, ride an aqua cycle, and enjoy some (quickly melting) Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

(just kidding)

And we all slept very well each night!