We gathered for the week in a rambling old gem of a home near Dupont Circle, built as the rectory of St. Augustine's Church and once used as a Civil War hospital. Full of niches, stained glass, gargoyles and gorgeous woodwork and topped off by a roof top terrace with a Washington Monument view.
And across the street, the House of the Temple, officially the "Home of The Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction". Owen, Nana and I took the free tour.
We walked and walked and walked. The Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol and National Mall. The Museum of Natural History (hello Chinese fanged deer and marlin skeleton) and the National Museum of the American Indian (gorgeous bead work and words of wisdom).
The details I love about this city; the history in the street lights and building facades; the artistry and grace of a neighborhood threshold and the smile of seeing a familiar sisterhood.
Lastly, the National Zoo. Lions and Tigers and (Panda) Bears.
And, of course, these four. Cousins. Friends. Laughing over shared meals, huddling close making silly videos and giggling, creating memories to last their lifetimes.
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