May 22, 2007

Where You Going Owen?

Why is it that children crawl straight to the stairs; head right to the hazards; get their hands on everything not intended for them? Is it man's inborn desire to test limits, climb higher, explore all aspects of their environment and therefore themselves?

Well perhaps, but it seems to also be a certain 10-month old's method of keeping mommy on her toes!!


Maureen Powers said...

I love it! We have a similar basket with diapers and wipes downstairs and yesterday I found James surrounded by all the diapers-every single one... Owen just gets cuter and cuter!

Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed following your blog from the beginning and enjoy the periodic updates. You write beautifully!
Owen is just precious and I can tell how happy is has made you and your husband!
Motherhood is great, challenging at times, but so great.
I'm the mother of 2 1/2 year old twin boys...wait till you start potty training!
Take care and enjoy all these great times with Owen!
Linda Altemus
(friends with Amy and Dave Lundberg)
ps - we have your same patio furniture :o)