June 11, 2007

Oh Happy Day!

It took many months and a lot of patience; it needed the power of prayer and love and perseverance. But finally Cearra met Owen!

Owen adored his beautiful big sister (as we knew he would, she is so incredibly great with children), and I think she thought he was pretty darn special too. It was wonderful to have the four of us together, to just sit and chat with Cearra again, to hug her and tell her in person how much we love her, to see her holding Owen, smiling and laughing with him.

My heart feels whole again, my family is at peace and I am reminded once again that love always wins out.


Anonymous said...

Yes, love wins out. What a beautiful family! Many prayers answered, many smiling faces, and the promise of many wonderful memories yet to be realized. But a special heart-felt thank you to Jodi for her unselfish, abiding love for her family. A love of patience, understanding and long suffering.
My life is continually blessed by you Jodi, thank you.
With my love and respect, Mom/Nanny

Anonymous said...

By the time Owen becomes a teenager all girls will pale in comparrison to his gorgeous sister. You can certainly see Cearra's beauty, but the kindness, compassion and sensitivity she has just radiates. The pictures are lovely. Much love, Pam & Gene