June 4, 2007

A Welcome Home Party

Nana and Pop-pop threw a Welcome Home bash for Owen last weekend and we were so thrilled to introduce the little guy to more friends and family. There were sky blue and golden yellow balloons and paper goods to celebrate Owen's heritage (the colors of the Kazakh flag), a jukebox full of fun tunes, and tons of good food and drink.

It was great to see everyone - including my cousin Kim and her family who came all the way from Georgia and my sister Kris and her family who drove in from Wisconsin! And my cousin Karen gave us a very special gift; she printed out every blog entry from our journey and compiled a beautiful scrapbook that I will cherish forever. Owen received more adorable gifts - a hand painted stepping stool, books, balls, movies, music, outfits, gift cards - so generous of everyone. But as always the greatest gift was the love and excitement our friends and family have for us and for Owen. Thank you all - we loved spending the day with you!


Anonymous said...

It was such a great day to celebrate Owen and see everyone! Thanks so much for including me!

Maureen Powers said...

Yay, Owen! Although, I'm amazed that your shirt stays tucked in. Doesn't work for your buddy, James!