Owen took his time learning to walk, isn't yet talking our ears off, and lags behind many of his peers in the head of hair category, but our boy has hit the trying twos right on schedule. The no napping, toy throwing, cat harassing, opposite direction running, crib bailing, time-out tempting, "you talking to me?" twos. Oh don't get me wrong - he's still a great kid and a joy 98% of the time, but there are some moments!
Today was his two year check-up and all looks great health wise. He's now 34 point something inches and just under 25 pounds, with a head circumference that is off the charts. He did well too on all those silly questions they ask that always give me fits; the only one I couldn't answer affirmatively was if he used first and last names (seriously? at two??).
Glad to hear Owen is doing good, although sorry to hear that the twos have hit. Mackenzie herself is already gearing up for them as she could give a class on how to throw the perfect tantrum.(we had a 25 minutes when yesterday)
I would like to know what two year does use first and last names. Your Dr. comes up with some screwy questions.
See you all soon.
Hi Jodi -
Owen looks great! I'm smiling while I type this because I want to give you and Kris heads up on the fact that the "twos" is just gearing up for the "threes" that Ty is re-introducing us to these days...LOL! Boy-oh-boy, all I can say is get ready more fun/tantrums to come! Remember this too shall pass, try to grin and bear it and enjoy the ride because before you know it, they'll be going to middle school, like LJ. Can you believe that?! We can't, but when you see how tall he is....time truly does fly.
Hugs, Kelli
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