October 24, 2008

Pumpkin Painting Party

You all remember last year's Halloween costume fiasco, right? Tears and hysterics the moment the bumblebee wings touched his back ...

I have a hard time justifying spending $30 on a costume that he'll (maybe) wear for an hour, so I was happy when this year my friend Jill offered to lend us her son's adorable lion costume. Owen loves animals, and does a great roar. And Owen loved the costume too ... as long as it was safely curled up on the couch next to him for petting.

So, on to Plan B. Inspired by a morning show segment on homemade costumes and Owen's love of anything with wheels, I headed to Goodwill and scored a pair of striped overalls and white t-shirt. At home I made a bandanna out of left over red fabric and found an old whistle - Owen would be a train conductor!

A train conductor without a hat, bandanna or whistle. One day I will greatly embarrass him with these tales.

Anyway, we were "costuming" a bit early because we hosted a Pumpkin Painting Party yesterday. Owen's buddies Garrett, Reganne and Mackenzie (with their new baby sister Kerrington) came to our house dressed in their Halloween finery. The kids had a lot of fun decorating their pumpkins (and their moms and themselves) with bright colors and lots of stickers and played great together. At the end of the day we sent them home with treat bags filled with orange and black jellybeans and chocolate eyeballs -yum!


Anonymous said...

What fun! - and what a wonderful story with pictures. You are going to have to write a book Jodi, and illustrate it with your photos...

I bet you had a great time. What memories you are making. Thank you for sharing these special times.

Love you all,

Anonymous said...

Yes, you must share these stories with Owen when he is older! He just hates costumes, doesn't he ... too cute & funny! Looks like you had lots of fun ... hooray for you! :) Luv, Erin

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had fun. To bad O just hates dressing up. He still looked very cute as a scaled down train conductor.
