Thanks in large part to Owen's gymnastics class I could confidently answer yes to all the physical questions: can he balance on one leg, hop in place, jump over things, arch his back. He also recognizes at least four colors, stacks things, knows the difference between cold and hot, uses plurals and knows his first and last name. Just about the only thing I couldn't say yes to was if he can draw an "x" - he knows the letter but I've never asked him to draw it.
Owen is now 27.5 lbs (10th percentile) and a tad over 36 inches (30th percentile). Still a little guy but Dr. Mike isn't at all concerned as he is growing nicely at his own pace and is perfectly healthy overall.
So it's nice to have that done for another year, and of course I am thankful for Owen's continued good health and development, but I realize that they never ask the really important questions. Like
... does he help around the house?
... can he dunk?
... might he have a future as baseball player, and is he a leftie or rightie?
... does he make me laugh every single day?
... do his mom and dad love him utterly, completely, and with our whole hearts?
Very cute post!
Mom, Dad, Sister, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents, cousins, friends.... all love Owen to pieces!!!
Glad the appointment went well. Interesting the type of things they asked you are different than what they asked us.
Jack and Owen are the same weight, although Owen is half an inch taller than Jack.
And don't you love that tee-ball set. Jack plays with his every day for at least an hour. Although he doesn't play with the stand (got squished in the garage....). We have to pitch him the ball -- over and over and over again!
Very cute post! I loved the "really important questions"!
Just now getting caught up on reading blogs - so great to see Owen doing so well! James is a little guy, too. He weighs a couple pounds heavier and is a half-inch shorter than Owen, but doing well!
Funny thing about drawing an "x." Our pediatrician asked James to draw a circle for him during the exam. LOL
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