November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Every Day

I try to be grateful everyday, and to thank God each night for the many blessings He has given me. Some days I'm better than others at really recognizing how lucky I am, and so it seems appropriate and right to pause at Thanksgiving to focus on each one (although I'm still not sure I can put the complete list into words alone).

I am thankful ...

for a husband who weathers the ups and downs with me and who I know is in it for the long haul.

for marrying a man who had a daughter. She has brought more to my life than I could ever have imagined all those years ago.

for the twisting, bumpy, sometimes heartbreaking road that lead us to the perfect son and the joy of my heart.

for parents, a sister, aunt, uncles, and cousins who laugh with me and love me despite my weaknesses and mistakes, and my inherited need to be the boss.

for gray hairs, my "spare tire", my scars. They mean I've lived a full life, never suffered from a lack of food, and looked the foe in the eye and beat it.

for old friends who know me deeply and have shared so significantly in my life, for new friends who add sparkle, and for renewed friendships that teach me about forgiveness.

for the piles of laundry and cleaning to-do's that mean I have more than enough to wear, and a comfortable, safe place to rest my head each night.

for a mother-in-law who always supports, encourages and praises me.

for a brother and sister-in-law who inspire me by the way they live their faith in every way.

for Bob's job and mine - staying home with Owen is one of my greatest blessings.

for health.

for my furry kids who need and knead me.

for oh, so many everyday things: a car that runs well; good books available free from the library; dark chocolate covered pretzels; a favorite 80's song on the radio; funny status updates on facebook; Tylenol; blush/bronzer to help me look more alive during the long, cold days; yoga classes; a new glossy magazine in the mailbox; football games; hair dye (see above); diet Coke; an email from a friend; a trip to the duck pond with my little buddy. And on and on ...

Each blessing, big or small, adds up to my life. And I have a wonderful life. I am truly thankful - I hope that you are too.

Happy Thanksgiving, today and every day.

November 22, 2010

The Ring's The Thing!

Many (a few too many) years ago when I was a college sophomore, I purchased my class ring by happening upon the Josten's display at the bookstore one day. After happily considering myriad options for stones, symbols, initials, etc., I selected a gold signet ring topped by an onyx engraved with Penn State's crest, and bought it by sending it home C.O.D.

Not completely educated on what exactly "cash on delivery" meant, I was a bit surprised to receive a call from my (slightly) upset mother a few weeks later, but that was it - I got my ring, wore it for the remainder of my college days, and retired it to my jewelry box when the onyx chipped.

I think it's fair to say Cearra's class ring experience tops mine.

Junior Dads Weekend was conceived at Mary Baldwin in 1969 as a way to recognize the day juniors receive their college rings. The main event is a formal ball where students invite a special family member to present them with their rings under a lighted arch. The entire weekend is dedicated to celebrating the role of the whole family in supporting a successful young collegiate woman.

At the pre-ball brunch (which Cearra helped plan as a member of the Junior Dads committee), she surprised her mom and I with special tokens of her appreciation for our love and encouragement - her mom received a silver pendant etched with Mary Baldwin's crest and I got a darling little silver squirrel for my charm bracelet (faithful readers of the blog will recall that the squirrel is MBC's mascot; it's also the animal a fellow student once compared me to, saying I was always "fun and frisky". I think it was meant to be a compliment).

Cearra selected a white gold, amethyst (purple is her class color) and diamond band as her ring, and had Bob participate in the ceremony, during which they both held back happy tears. Her mom, Curt and I looked on proudly from the audience. A dessert buffet and dance followed where we were pleased to meet several of her friends and her advisor, who went on and on about what a wonderful student, teaching assistant, and young woman Cearra is (of course we knew that!).

And so, on to a few pictures ...

Cearra and her roomie Jacqueline at the brunch

Cearra and Curt pre-ball

Under the arch

Father/daughter dance

Love this picture

Cearra and her advisor (and big fan!)

Meanwhile, at Camp Nanny, Owen had a fabulous time eating all his favorite foods, watching movies in bed, building a gingerbread house with Aunt Maria and Uncle Todd, going to Sunday school with Hannah (and getting in a quick visit with Pap), and visiting Alan's farm for the chance to get up close and personal with horses, barn cats, a dog named Blue, and tractors! Came home with a big duffel bag of new toys too, including a John Deere combine and a Bobcat skid steer - woohoo! Thank you all for making his weekend equally fabulous.

November 4, 2010

Helping to Create More Birthdays

I think most people are aware of the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life; a nationwide event that celebrates the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease. I was very active on my company's relay team in Virginia, and I continue to support the local events here in Maryland. After all, I'm living proof that cancer can be beaten.

Now I'm very proud to share with you that Cearra is participating in Mary Baldwin's relay on March 19, 2011! If you'd like to make a donation (and no amount is too small!), please visit her personal fundraising site by clicking the link below:

Cearra's Fundraising Page

If you'd prefer, you can send your donation directly to her at Mary Baldwin College, P.O. Box 5-0171, Staunton VA 24401.


November 2, 2010

Jolly Roger's Big Adventure

Yesterday, Owen's pre-school's pal Jolly Roger came to our house for a visit. He and Owen did a little coloring and shared a snack.

This morning I asked Owen where he'd like to take Jolly, and big surprise, he said the John Deere store. So off we went, where Owen and Jolly ...

checked out a combine ...

and a hay baler ...

and looked at lots of really big tractors.

They posed with a backhoe ...

and gazed in awe at an excavator.

Jolly got a little crazy a few times,

but they both enjoyed the dealership's play table.

Afterwards we taught Jolly a lesson in civics by taking him to vote,

and finished up our day out with lunch at Chick-Fil-A and a ride down the slide.

All in all quite an adventure for a little blue bear and his buddy!

Superheroes Unite!

Like father, like son!

So nice to have Nana and Pop-pop come join us for trick-or-treating this year.