I try to be grateful everyday, and to thank God each night for the many blessings He has given me. Some days I'm better than others at really recognizing how lucky I am, and so it seems appropriate and right to pause at Thanksgiving to focus on each one (although I'm still not sure I can put the complete list into words alone).
I am thankful ...
for a husband who weathers the ups and downs with me and who I know is in it for the long haul.
for marrying a man who had a daughter. She has brought more to my life than I could ever have imagined all those years ago.
for the twisting, bumpy, sometimes heartbreaking road that lead us to the perfect son and the joy of my heart.
for parents, a sister, aunt, uncles, and cousins who laugh with me and love me despite my weaknesses and mistakes, and my inherited need to be the boss.
for gray hairs, my "spare tire", my scars. They mean I've lived a full life, never suffered from a lack of food, and looked the foe in the eye and beat it.
for old friends who know me deeply and have shared so significantly in my life, for new friends who add sparkle, and for renewed friendships that teach me about forgiveness.
for the piles of laundry and cleaning to-do's that mean I have more than enough to wear, and a comfortable, safe place to rest my head each night.
for a mother-in-law who always supports, encourages and praises me.
for a brother and sister-in-law who inspire me by the way they live their faith in every way.
for Bob's job and mine - staying home with Owen is one of my greatest blessings.
for health.
for my furry kids who need and knead me.
for oh, so many everyday things: a car that runs well; good books available free from the library; dark chocolate covered pretzels; a favorite 80's song on the radio; funny status updates on facebook; Tylenol; blush/bronzer to help me look more alive during the long, cold days; yoga classes; a new glossy magazine in the mailbox; football games; hair dye (see above); diet Coke; an email from a friend; a trip to the duck pond with my little buddy. And on and on ...
Each blessing, big or small, adds up to my life. And I have a wonderful life. I am truly thankful - I hope that you are too.
Happy Thanksgiving, today and every day.
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