April 15, 2012

Worth It

Ten hours in the car; DC/Northern Virginia gridlock and constant construction.

Owen and I on an overnight visit to a cabin nestled in Bear Creek State Park to visit with my dear friend Audrey and daughter Jenna.

A time of walking in the woods; skipping stones; counting stars; making s'mores 'round a blazing fire. Watching Jenna and Owen explore; play; ride bicycles round and round. Loving on Luna the dog, and sharing a bottle (or two) of wine and talking deep into the night with my old friend.

Yep ... worth it.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jodi,
I love the title and how it depicts your overnight. It is so wonderful that you and Owen went to the trouble of packing and dealing with traffic to spend a night with a dear friend and her children. It makes me want to put those old excuses of "I don't have time", or "it is too long a drive"etc. in the trash and just do whatever seems fun and worthwhile once in a while. Thank you for taking the time to write...I, personally, always benefit in some way. Love, pam

Jodi said...

Thank you Pam! It was a tough drive, but even a few hours in the mountains and woods refreshes me, and it was so wonderful to watch Jenna and Owen playing.

Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!