March 18, 2013

Together in The Storm

From Nanny:

"I painted this picture on a card, for my Granddaughter Cearra, for Valentine’s Day 2012. I hoped to capture for her the love she and her boyfriend felt/feel for one another. Her boyfriend, Dennis Crowe, is so kind and loving, and I thought it captured the way he made her feel loved and protected. I titled it “Together”.

Cearra just moved into her first apartment and I asked her what I could give her for this special occasion. She asked if I could repaint the picture, making it larger. Of course I was thrilled, and have that project underway.

As I looked at this painting and thought about the trial they are facing I have changed it’s title to, “Together in the Storm”. Just wanting her to know how much I love her and that my prayers will continue until they are home and this picture is hanging on their wall.

Psalm 107:28-29

"Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble,

and he brought them out of their distress.

He stilled the storm to a whisper;
the waves of the sea were hushed."

1 comment:

Hannah (NANA) said...

Oh, Kathy,

This picture is so poignant. You have a true talent and I just love to see how you incorporate happenings and interests of the kids into your paintings. The kids are really blessed to have you in their lives.

We continue to pray for Dennis AND Cearra as they face this challenge. Love, Hannah