February 13, 2014

Snow Day 8

But hey, who's counting (as every mother in Carroll County raises her hand).

This storm was the big one. We had about 14 inches when we ventured out to plow, shovel and play; and as I type the flakes are falling again with another 4-6 inches expected, and snow day 9 already called for tomorrow.

Beamer, being thankful she's not an outside cat*

That little lump is our snowdog's head

Snow ball fight at close range

Love having neighbors and friends come over to play

Good night snow. See you again (sigh) tomorrow

*A few weeks back I trapped the stray mama cat and the kitten that stayed close; long story but they are now comfy in our guest room. I hope to soon be able to get them to the vet for spaying and shots, and release them back outside (despite our efforts they are not house cats), but I'm so thankful that at least they aren't out in this endless winter.

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