May 16, 2007

Uncle Rich - this one's for you!

My first official Mother's Day (I have been unofficially celebrating "Stepmother's Day" for 13 years now) was lovely. No breakfast in bed, but Owen allowed me to sleep until 8:00, teamed up with his dad to give me a pretty silver bracelet dangling "O" and "C" initial charms (and had two charms we purchased in Kazakhstan added to my gold charm bracelet), and then Owen really went all out ... he crawled!

It wasn't especially graceful and he didn't get too far, but it was definitely the hand-knee-hand-knee forward movement we've all been waiting for. And of course I teared up because my little baby - who turned 10 months old the next day - is growing so fast (and because my days of putting him in one place and knowing he'll stay there are apparently now over). In fact, since that first crawl he's been practicing quite a bit and is now pretty good, even attempting the step from the family room to the kitchen and crawling to Bob and I, which just about bursts my heart with joy!

Owen is also making consonant sounds - "ba-ba-ba" and "ga-ga-ga" (hey what happened to "ma-ma" and "da-da"?); has a sixth tooth peeping through; can hold his own bottle; drives a flashy red sports coupe; and has a new nickname courtesy of Bob - Catfish - because the boy continues to eat anything we give him! Don't worry, I don't think the name will stick.

As I reported in an earlier post I recently applied for Owen's social security number. The good news is that his card arrived at the house last week. The bad news is that they spelled our last name wrong. So Owen and I went back to the office and once again showed all his paper work from Kazakhstan (which, I have to say, had everything spelled correctly). The clerk gave me a new receipt to sign, and thankfully I noticed that somehow she had now entered the wrong home address. So she had to redo the form for the third time (which she somehow seemed to feel was my fault?) and I think we are now truly all set.

Thanks for checking in - see you next time!


Anonymous said...

Have enjoyed all the posts, but the pictures of Owen are just dear. He is so easy to read...(may never be able to keep a secret), but really so expressive. Thanks Jodi for taking the time to fill us in on these new chapters. Hope to see you soon. Pam & Gene

Anonymous said...

Now that Owen is crawling, he will need some tools to work with. Uncle Rich can give him lessons on how a project isn't perfect until you have bled on it!

Can't wait to be one of the people to help chase after him now that he is crawaling. By the time of his party in June he may be walking! Ha, Ha - keep him away from Uncle Rich!!!!

Uncle Rich & Aunt Cathy

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! Just as you can imagine, more fun is comin! You'll be amazed as to all the things Owen will find on your floor. Tyus always seems to find something. Tyus sends a "high-five" to Owen on the crawling venture.
Thanks for the updates, I do check back often to see Owen's progress. take care.

Kelli and the guys