July 26, 2007

Friends Come to Visit!

Owen and I had a wonderful visit from my oldest friend Bea, her daughter Brielle, and her Dad! Bea and I met the summer before 5th grade when my family moved in across the street and my Mom made me take cookies over to her and introduce myself. At the time Bea was suffering from chicken pox and our first meeting gave no hint as to the friendship that would develop, but through the years we've supported each other through thick and thin. She lives in Utah with her hubby and three other kids, and we only see each other every few years, but she's one of those friends for whom time and distance melt away as soon as we are together. She is the best!

Sharing some other pics of Owen ... he likes his new tub drums (thanks Aunt Maria, Uncle Todd and cousin Hannah); is really walking well behind either one of his two push toy options; gives us "high fives"; and finally, one of my favorite scenes, a boy and his Dad at the end of the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!! That's so great that Bea visited! She looks fabulous - and hasn't changed a bit!
So glad to hear that you got to connect and that she got to meet Owen! What a great surprise to see her face on the blog!!