As we head into a new season - yeah Spring! - thought it was time for a quick update on some of Owen's newest ways to make us smile and sigh. We can't believe how grown up our little hamster is becoming ...
Our yard is filled with robins and Owen likes to point them out and say "ca-ca", his newest animal sound and word for bird.
He loves playing peek-a-boo and will often initiate the game by "hiding" his face behind a couch pillow until I notice him and say "where's Owen?"
For a time Owen loved to pull on the drain plug whenever he was in the bath, and I would have to tell him "don't touch or you'll have to get out". Now, when I ask him if he's ready to get out of the tub he smiles mischievously at me and pulls the drain!
Guaranteed to make him laugh - put something (book, car, hat, etc) on your head, then slowly tilt forward until it falls off. He thinks it's hysterical.
He has a toy computer that says "good bye" if you close the lid or stop playing for a few minutes. So when he hears this, he waves goodbye, even if he's already across the room.
We are getting closer to the "terrible twos" and Owen has definitely decided one way to show his growing independence is to refuse foods he previously liked. One thing that sometimes helps with veggies is a little ranch salad dressing as a condiment, although he prefers to dip his fingers in the ranch and then pick up a piece of food rather than the other way around.
But he does like to drink out of a cup (with a helping hand) and he thinks the ice cubes are great fun.
He loves anything with wheels and often pushes his trucks and cars around the carpet (or over Mama's legs) saying "rroom, rroom".
When we go up stairs he holds on to one of my hands, grabs the banister spindles with the other hand, and alternates one foot for each stair (as opposed to stopping with both feet on each step).
When I sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" he tries to do the finger motions for the spider (see picture).
He will shake hands with people when he meets them.
And he still loves being thrown in the air by his Daddy!
1 comment:
Seriously -- do we have the same boy? Same thing with peek-a-boo, only with is blanket. Same thing with the drain, being throwin the air, things falling off our heads, dipping of foods, drinking from a cup, any wheels and holding your hand while going upstairs! Isn't is great!
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