January 25, 2009

Miss Ava Visits Westminster!

This weekend we were very excited to welcome the Lyle girls to our home! A lucky (for us) combination of revised vacation plans and soon-to-expire frequent flyer coupons allowed Alison and Ava to visit us for a few days of fun.

Their first night in town we had dinner at the house and then bundled up the kids in stylish combos of PJs, slippers, coats and hats for a trip to the drive-thru Dairy Queen. Yep, we are cool moms.

The next day we went to the National Aquarium in Baltimore where we saw fish, dolphins, and an octopus (very cool!). Ava and Owen walked hand in hand down the ramp to brave the shark tank, and enjoyed all the sights of the sea, but I didn't get many good pictures.

Saturday we jumped in the car for the short drive to a Gettysburg children's play museum. There we painted (yes, even Alison), ran a construction site, dressed in Union garb, tended to the homestead in Abe Lincoln's cabin, and got swallowed by a giant bubble - fun!

We hope they visit again really soon!


Anonymous said...

Oh so very cute and looks like everyone had such a great time! What a wonderful way to make memories! I especially like the drive-thru Dairy Queen visit - you ARE very cool moms! Love, Erin

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like Ava and Owen had a fun filled visit, especially the painting. Love

Pop Pop

Anonymous said...

These pictures are GREAT, I love them 'all' and your words make them come alive! What precious memories. Thanks for allowing us into 'Owen's World'.