November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to You

Last week, Owen's preschool Thanksgiving program. The kids are lined up on one side of the room, moms and dads (and at least one Nana) jockeying for the best camera position across from them.

As we wait in silence for the last parent to arrive, Owen announces, "I have to go ...". I get ready to hand my purse off and make a quick dash to the bathroom; beside me Miss Stephanie similarly springs into action and asks Owen what he needs.

Sensing that he is now the center of attention - from the entire room - Owen smiles and says loudly, "I have to go ... RUN AROUND!". That's our boy!

So as he and his classmates sang, Happy Thanksgiving to You! This holiday Bob, Cearra, Owen and I wish you health, happiness, the company of family and friends, and some really good food!

1 comment:

NANA said...

I was there in person and still I have enjoyed the show several times over on your blog. Owen is so adorable!! Hope to see more soon. Love, MOM