December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Hoping your Christmas was as special as ours!

We spent Christmas Eve day (aka Nana's birthday) with my parents and Uncle Rich and Aunt Cathy Pennsylvania. That evening we feasted on a yummy meal and exchanged presents. The next afternoon we joined more family, including the newest family member, adorable 3-month old Chase Kaufmann, at my Aunt Jeanne and Uncle Bud's house. The thing I like best about the holidays is being with family - we are so lucky to be able to do so.

Get ready ...


Owen had a wonderful time - we'd give him a gift to open, he'd play happily with it while the rest of us took a turn unwrapping, then back to Owen for another toy and more fun!

The "Grabber" was inspired by Owen's love of the arcade size games you see at malls, restaurants, etc. We all took a turn trying our luck ...

Santa and his helpers also brought Owen a rescue helicopter, remote control car, gummy bears (which O shared with Pop-pop and Uncle Rich), a tape measure ...

yard tools (so funny - he'd put the safety goggles on while "operating" them!)...

and of course a beloved and much wished for John Deere green tractor (although I know he's still secretly hoping for the BIG John Deere tractor his friends Nick and Dylan have. Maybe for his birthday.)!

Happy New Year!

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