December 29, 2009

Rada Comes to Maryland

She first met us at the Kokshetau airport in the dark, freezing rain of a November night; the only one as we stepped off the Yak onto an icy tarmac that spoke English and could tell us what to do next (namely, load up our luggage and hold on for a bumpy ride to the babyhouse). As you all know, that trip did not go as expected, and Rada's shock and hurt for us those first few days was genuine, as was her happiness when we finally found Owen.

Rada made sure that upon our return she would again be our interpreter, and the three of us spent many hours together that January and February - walking around Tsum and the Green Market for souvenirs and gifts (but nothing made in China!!); eating lunch at Rainbow Cafe or the Turkish pizza place; hunting down a hair dryer, a microwave and hangers (all of which caused her to think we were a bit crazy); playing with Owen in the apartment; and one memorable night, going to a bar to watch soccer and have a few beers. Petite, pretty, stubborn, proud and smart, Rada will forever be a very special part of our family.

She's been in Las Vegas the past seven months, and as she finally had a few days off, we decided to fly her to Baltimore for a visit! I can't say for sure that Owen remembered Rada, but he was instantly at ease with her.

With only one day to sight see, we decided to take Rada to the Inner Harbor and aquarium. I think she very much enjoyed seeing the wide variety of fish and critters, and getting a glimpse of Baltimore's charms.

For dinner we headed back to the house to meet up with Cearra (who had arrived earlier in the afternoon), and then to Sakura Japanese Steak House - another new experience for Rada ... and Owen, who really liked his drinks paper fan.

It's part of the performance there to have the chef dice up shrimp and toss them at the patrons to catch in their mouths (I always feel a bit like a trained seal at this point). We decided to let Owen have a go at it, and he thought it was great fun - repeating several times after the fact "one, two, three, ahhhhh ... it hits me in the eye!" (please don't call the authorities, he wasn't hurt!).

So Rada is now on her way back to Vegas, and hopefully it won't be another three years before we are all together once again!

1 comment:

The Metz Family said...

Looks like you all had a lovely visit! Great to see Rada - she looks great!

The Metz Family (while not a Rada "family" -- still a Rada fan:-))