February 1, 2010

Play-doh Playtime

I know a lot of moms who would disagree, but I love Play-doh. The creative possibilities, the squish factor, the smell. Yes, little pieces of it have a tendency to end up on the floor and all over the table (not to mention under your nails), but once it's dry it's easy to just sweep it all up.

Owen got an awesome Play-doh kitchen play set from Uncle Todd, Aunt Maria and Hannah for Christmas, so today while we were waiting for the water department to show (and by the way, just who are the lucky folks who get the appointments at the beginning of the 4 hour time slots?? It's sure never me!), we broke it out and got cooking.

A well-balanced meal of steak, potatoes with gravy and green beans,

followed by a chocolate cupcake for dessert.

Yum - looks good enough to eat!

(and another Play-doh positive - it's non-toxic!)


Anonymous said...

Owen's Eatery looks very interesting, but I'd like to see the menu. love, pam

Nanny said...

From one Play-doh lover to another... I know how you feel about it Jodi, it is one of those childhood (Bobby and Todd's)memories that I just love. Once they bought me a perfume, Emeraude, that I thought smelled just like Play-doh, and to this day whenever I smell it it brings such fond memories to mind.
I love Owen's cupcake, perhaps he could have his own bakery 'O-doh'.
love to all, Nanny

Anonymous said...

LOVE playdoh...mess and all. The kids have always had so much fun making all sorts of things with it...watch the carpets though. It's harder to get out of those.

Love Owen's cupcake...I can certainly understand him wanting to take a bite. It looks Yummy!!