November 2, 2010

Jolly Roger's Big Adventure

Yesterday, Owen's pre-school's pal Jolly Roger came to our house for a visit. He and Owen did a little coloring and shared a snack.

This morning I asked Owen where he'd like to take Jolly, and big surprise, he said the John Deere store. So off we went, where Owen and Jolly ...

checked out a combine ...

and a hay baler ...

and looked at lots of really big tractors.

They posed with a backhoe ...

and gazed in awe at an excavator.

Jolly got a little crazy a few times,

but they both enjoyed the dealership's play table.

Afterwards we taught Jolly a lesson in civics by taking him to vote,

and finished up our day out with lunch at Chick-Fil-A and a ride down the slide.

All in all quite an adventure for a little blue bear and his buddy!


Anonymous said...

Blue Bear is so lucky to have Owen as a friend. What other bear gets to sit on so many pieces of John Deere equipment?! Owen is blessed to have a mommy that takes him to so many neat places that builds happy memories!

Aunt Cathy

NANA said...

I'm sure you knew the answer to your question before you asked it!! How cute that he wanted to share his passion for the green machine with his visitor. Thanks for the pictures. They are adorable. You, as well as O, will remember these JD days forever! Love to all of you. MOM