June 1, 2011


Today I'm going to start WILW off with a big thank you to Willis Haviland Carrier*... 'cause you better believe that with three days of over 90 degree temps and heat indexes of 100+, I'm loving my air conditioning!

Speaking of cool treats, we've all been loving Key Lime pie lately! I generally consider desserts without chocolate to be a waste of calories, but the tart/sweet combo seems custom made for this weather.

I'm loving that our friends Laura and Erik introduced us to dominoes last weekend! Honestly, I was under the impression that it might be a little, um, ... boring (I mean, it's matching up dots, right?) but we all had so much fun playing that Cearra and I went out yesterday to get our own set!

I'm loving this sweet picture of two buddies sacked out on the couch together as their parents play dominoes late into the night!

I'm loving the goods at Back 40 Life! I can imagine using this sign for all kinds of countdowns.

And as always, I'm loving how he makes me laugh!

*An American engineer and inventor; known as the man who invented modern air conditioning


NANA said...

Hi Jodi,
I'm all in for naming Mr Carrier Man-of-summer and I plan to spend as much of this hot day as I can inside. I'm loving that my three hour dental appointment is OVER!!!!I'm loving that this afternoon we are picking up our first bunch of fresh fruits and vegetables from the co-op we bought into. It will be fun to see what we get!!! Hope everyone is able to stay cool and enjoy this fine Wednesday!! Love, MOM

Nanny/Mom said...

Mr. Carrier has my vote too. I also, got my first fresh vegetables today, snow peas and green beans. Nothing like fresh. After visiting my 95 year old Dad, I am so thankful that he takes this weather and each day with enthusiasm... in fact I had to actually talk him into turning on his air conditioner, he did, reluctantly for me!

Now after seeing Jodi's key lime pie, I'm headed to the kitchen to see if I have anything that looks nearly as good to snack on this evening.
Love, Mom/Nanny