June 15, 2011


Welcome back to WILW! This week, I'm loving ...

that after many years Dad got his convertible again!

watching the fireflies blink on and off in the dusk. Brings back memories of childhood and summer nights; catching the little orbs of light and being enthralled as they lit up the palm of my hand.

when Owen is frustrated with something (or doesn't agree with something I've asked him to do), he says "Oh, barnacles!". Guess where he picked that up.

The super cute mini cake my sister made for Riley's spaced themed birthday party!

And finally, I'm loving that everyday I'm getting a little better on this new computer/software!


Nanny/Mom said...

Today I am loving this gorgeous weather, a walk to town with Maria, a latte and breakfast sandwich, a walk through the local art gallery and then back home.
It is just one of those days you can't help but stop, and thank God for His magnificent creation!
Love to all,

Deanna said...

I'm lovin beautiful summer days and lemonade stands!

Kris said...

I'm loving an easy trip to the food store, lunch with a good friend and a movie with the kids and friends later today. We aren't letting the rain stop us at all.