October 23, 2012

Heart Speaking

I like my world to be visually, impact fully, neat. I make the bed every morning (I'd make Cearra's too if I didn't think she'd be a bit freaked by that); I place Owen's monster trucks in rows and store other wheeled vehicle by type; I keep our vitamins in nifty little baskets; and I think I may have previously mentioned my closet "system".

On vacation I'm the one who unpacks immediately upon arrival, and organizes the food supply (a cluttered counter of snack bags makes me cringe). I can't stand newspapers, receipts, magazines or mail laying about where they aren't meant to be- but if they must, I make sure the piles are squared. Shoes by the side of the bed (ahem, Bob) irk me and ooh, don't get me started on jackets left on chair backs overnight.

I'd be a bit worried about me if it weren't for the fact that I am not, and have never been, quite as concerned with the actual cleanliness of things. Which basically means that if you show up unexpectedly at my house, 98% of the time everything will look nice and in its place - but please don't peak in that junk drawer or look too closely at the baseboards.

So this morning I surprised myself when I tackled cleaning and found myself actually feeling lifted up by it. I kind of enjoyed vacuuming and dusting, plumping sofa cushions and putting away laundry. I hummed as I washed dishes, cleaned litter boxes and took out trash. As the smell of bleach wafted about the bathroom, I recognized that I was feeling especially thankful for my life (I don't think it was just the bleach fumes).

My heart was happy as I cut up a fresh pineapple for everyone to help balance out our diet of recently delivered Girl Scout cookies, and toasted up a batch of spicy pumpkin seeds for all to enjoy tonight. I texted a bit with Cearra, put a fresh oatmeal cookie scented tart in the warmer, helped Bob with some work, and planned a little treat for Owen.

I felt joyfully filled with appreciation for my life! Making our home sparkle and shine, making tasty treats, even snuggling with my cats seemed really valuable this morning. These actions didn't feel like chores, but offerings willingly given to care for my family. And as I did more for them, I gained even more gratitude for the many blessings I've been given.

Nice how that all works.


Nanny said...

Beautifully said Jodi. Funny how your post made me think of my Mom. Although she never put it into words she lived each day being thankful for the many blessings in her life. So thank you, your words brightened my day as I think of you, and reminisce about my Mom. "Nice how that works." Love, Nanny

Kim said...

I'm reading this post and thinking, it's genetic! Yes, don't look at my baseboards or my blinds for that matter. And yes, so I don't start twitching, I close the doors to the teenager's rooms! But that gene mutated ;-) because if you go to Drew's house there is no clutter and you can white glove the entire house and it will be spotless! Miss you and love your posts, they make you feel not so far away, keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

I love this post...these are the things that sometimes get overlooked in our appreciation of each day and yet these are just the things that truly "make each day". Thanks Jodi...

NANA said...

Jodi, You write so beautifully (think I've told you that before, right?) and say what many of us think each day. I would so like you to write a column or book or advice info because I truly love to read your blog. I am so very proud of the woman I helped to raise and hope that all who read your words and/or come in contact with you benifit from the wonderful woman you are. You express what many of us can't, so continue to use your gifts. My life is better for having both of my girls. YES, you are still my little girls!!! Love ya, MOM