July 22, 2013

Owen's Birthday Weekend

After much preparation and anticipation, Owen's birthday weekend was here at last!

We started the day with a birthday brunch for Cearra. Nana and Pop-pop, Nanny, my sweet sister-in-law Maria, and our niece Hannah joined us to continue toasting Cearra's birthday.

Nanny, Hannah, Maria

Blazer completes (?) the table scape

After eating and gifting the birthday duo, we headed to a local indoor pool for Owen's party with friends. This is the first year he specifically requested a bash other than the big family gathering we'd done in years past, and he was excited to greet his pals.

Owen's new Raven helmet

Yearly tradition - Nanny draws/paints a picture of Owen's
favorite toy/hobby/interest.  This year's had to be dino related!

Favors - a dinosaur egg with a hidden treat, and
dino soap to wash up with after playing paleontologist

Everybody in the pool!

Our sweet 7 year old!

Putting his new helmet to the test with Daddy after the party

Later that night, Cearra invited Bob, Owen and me to her apartment, where she had another present - King Krunch monster truck! - waiting for Owen as well as a special birthday cake, Key Lime Pie. Bob and I are so proud of Cearra for wanting to make this a special day for her little brother.

Our amazing, beautiful, loving July babies!

We had one last surprise for Owen too; "Raven" the dinosaur. She's a Pleo Life Form, "intended to blur the line between technology and life by integrating three disciplines - organic articulation, sensory response, and autonomous behavior".  In other words, she responds to Owen's touch and voice with movements and sounds, and she'll continue to learn behaviors as she gets "older". Pretty cool!

Happy birthday my little man! I love you more than chocolate!

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