August 2, 2013

Fun With Family

Five years ago my cousin Brenda and her husband Nick moved their crew across the ocean to Barcelona Spain. Recently they were in our area for their second oldest to check out colleges, and we were thrilled to meet them in Baltimore for a wonderful visit.

Regardless of time or distance, there is nothing like the love of family!

Bob was in India; Owen found a piece of
India at the hotel

Iron (hand) Cal

Owen and Jess hard at work at
MD Science Center

Nana, Jess, Alexa, Owen and 
Score! They smuggled in some Kinder Eggs!

Cruising the Inner Harbor

Bren and Nana

1 comment:

NANA said...

It was a GREAT day, despite the record breaking HEAT!!! Always good to be with family. Love, NANA