September 16, 2008

Cleaning Service

My new cleaning service ... but does he do windows??


Anonymous said...

Hey, Jodi,
What is this all about, working little O to death outside and in????? Don't I remember some little girls who thought we were terrible for making them rake leaves and pick up apples!!!!!!! And you were at least 12 yrs old. Only kidding! He looks so adorable playing at his "tasks"! Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

Very good post. I could not aggree with you more. He has my vote as well.
Owen is just as adorable as ever, and so great that he is helping out with household chores these days! I have a picture of my then 2 1/2 year old "scrubbing the bowl" after he had used it!
Hope you are enjoying your fall!

Linda Altemus

Anonymous said...

Owen's future wife will appreciate these pictures when she tries to get him to help around their house!

Isn't it great to be an American and to be able to voice your opinions! Hopefully others will do their homework like you before they vote.

How's C's doing at MB?

Uncle Rich & Aunt Cathy