September 16, 2008

Did You Notice the New Sticker?

I've noticed a scarcity of comments lately and thought I'd try to inspire a few with a political post (smile).

As you may have noticed, I've added a McCain/Palin "sticker" to the blog, over there to the right. And although I hesitate to write about more than Owen (or Cearra) here, I'm forging ahead with the hopes of inspiring each of you to exercise your right to choose your candidate based on your own beliefs - rather than those of celebrities or the press.

I've always identified myself as a liberal Republican. No, I don't agree 100% with all of the GOP's traditional stances (especially when it comes to certain social issues), but here's the main thing ... I believe in personal rights, personal responsibilities and personal repercussions. I believe in less government, a strong military, free trade, new energy sources to end our dependency on foreign oil, and the need to keep our borders secure while legitimizing those people who have come here hoping to make a better life.

At the beginning of this campaign, I was intrigued by Barack Obama. His message did seem fresh and hopeful, and I too was weary of "politics as usual". But as I started to read more (The Case Against Barack Obama) and listen more, I realized that the stuff beneath the shiny surface wasn't what I believe to be in the best interest of our country. And quite honestly, I began to seriously question his motivation for running for President, along with his judgement and his values.

Now, John McCain. I had worries about his health, his age, his temper. I'm still not sure I love the choice of Palin as his running mate (I really would have liked to see Lieberman chosen). But as I listened to his acceptance speech at the convention, I found myself nodding along point by point. Just as importantly (at least to me) I found myself believing that this man is running for the Presidency of our country because he loves this country, he is proud of this country, and he will try to do right by this country regardless of party lines.

So, McCain has my vote. And if you totally disagree with everything I've written so far ... I hope you will at least agree with this: we live in the greatest country in the world. We have opportunities and freedoms that other people only dream of. We not only have the right and the ability to vote without fear of violence, we have the duty to do so. On November 4th, please head for the polls and vote.

And I promise, I won't cut off your access to the blog even if you do support that other guy!


Anonymous said...

Way to just put it out there! What's so funny is that you and I completely agree on this one ... not 100% thrilled with the GOP, but ... I feel lots more comfortable with them that the other ... again, concerned with WHY running? Why not be an effective Senator first and then run??? And I don't believe McCain will be 4 more years of "Bush" - that's insulting to McCain. He definitely loves this country, and I can truly appreciate that about him. Thanks for sharing your thoughts ... LOVE your posts and always look forward to new ones. Cannot wait to see you Saturday! Erin

Anonymous said...


As usual, you have expressed the sentiments and feelings about the candidates better than I could.

Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey Jodi
Just because I don't leave a comment every blog entry doesn't mean I don't check everyday for an update. I so look forward to pictures of my precious grandson and to your witty commentary on any and all subjects. Hopefully everyone will exercise their privilege to vote as a free American. We owe it to all those who have gone before us to vote.

Brenda said...

Voting is one of the most patriotic things we can do. I agree with you on alot of what you said but came to a different conclusion. One of the things the last 8 years has taught me is looking at who the candidates surround themselves with tells you a lot. And I'm more comfortable with the advisors to Obama than McCain. Very cool that you have the sticker up there though! And kudos on encouraging others to participate in the process!
Miss you!

Anonymous said...

I feel that McCain has more to offer and not even being politically more experienced just more experienced in life. As for Palin, it was a little predictable that McCain would spice things up to get some PR taken away from Obama but the choice is a solid choice. I like that she really is a Mom who wanted to see some changes and just kind of fell into politics. It is a little different from feeling that most Republicans in office are there after being groomed their entire lives. I also like that she is a mom to a young family but still works hard and doesn’t use any bumps in her life to become excuses. As a Mom to a special needs kid myself, I know it would be easy to step aside and no one would think twice. I think she is a good role model for young girls and even women. Finally, as far as whom the candidates are surrounded by, and being that I am from Chicago so I know a thing or two about our politics and the effects of race relations here, I am very nervous for Obama to be elected. One example: the church he belonged to until he had to separate himself for political reasons has a large sign up that says “The black way is the right way.” My concern is that if Obama is elected, the people who have influenced his life, his thoughts, his beliefs, they will continue to push him in a direction that is based on negativity and that is no way to live. One more thing, I am not one to jump on the flag waving band-wagon but I do expect our President to wave them, wear them, hand them out, etc. Our President should be proud of our flag and our country but I feel there is underlying distrust, resentment and a plan to change our country, radically. Go McCain!

Love, Alison

Anonymous said...

Well said Jody!! I could not agree more.

I know I don't post often, but I do keep up with you and that adorable boy through your Blog, and miss your smiling face here at Willis.

Keep up the great work!
Your friend, Ronie

Maureen Powers said...

As always, I love your insightful posts, and this time is no different. Please keep them coming!