October 31, 2011

Where's My Twix??

The doorbell has stopped ringing, the candy is sorted and stored, and our little ghoul is bathed and snuggled into his John Deere pajamas.

We came home from school to find a box at our door ...

Nanny sure knows how to brighten someones day! Thanks for all the treats!

Practicing being angry with cohorts by his side - he kept giggling each time I got the camera ready.

Nana and Pop-pop came down, and Owen's buddy Ben brought my buddy (his grandmother) Kathy over. We had snacks, painted a few pumpkins, and wrestled around a bit (yes, that last part was mainly Ben and Owen). Then it was time to gear up, and once Daddy got home from work we hit the streets.

Glow sticks, flashlight and treat bag at the ready.

Ah, there's the angry bird face! If you aren't familiar with the game, the black bird Owen chose to be is special because he blows up. Hey, don't ask me - A LOT of people are addicted to those birds!

Uh-oh, looks like someone had too much candy! Hope your day was festive and fun!


Nanny/Mom said...

What a cute little 'Angry Bird' you have. So glad he had fun, but with you for a Mommy there is no other way!

Nana and Pop Pop look great and so glad they could share the evening with you.

Friends, family, fun, food and a little fowl... makes for a Happy Halloween! Love, Nanny

NANA said...

Nothing like having grandchildren in your life to make Halloween an enjoyable holiday. Loved Owen's Angry Bird and got pictures this morning of a Fireman(Riley), an Eskimo(Kenzie) and a Cherry Blossom Princess(Samantha).Seems that everyone had a good day. Glad we got to share it with them all. Love, MOM