December 23, 2011

And The Sheep Played in The Hay

Is there anything more delightful, more charming, more holiday-feel-good-inducing than a children's Christmas pageant?? Nope, I don't think so.

Yesterday Owen's kindergarten class performed a wonderful and unintentionally funny play about the first Christmas - the birth of Jesus, as told by Clara the Cow. In which,

Joseph almost took a tumble when he got
tangled up with the donkey

The Shepard Boy shared Clara's milk with Mary and Joseph

The angels slept - and the Shepard boy slumped

One of the Kings dramatically proclaimed "I don't have a gift!" before
remembering the teachers had placed them under his chair

It was truly a joy to watch; the kids are all so cute, and the teachers did a great job. And despite the fact Owen didn't sing a single word of any of the songs - he told us later that singing wasn't his thing - he was still adorable.

Wow - Momma gets in a picture!

Cearra and Owen after the show

Dylan, Owen and Nick - friends since 3yr preschool

I truly hope your holidays are filled with the glow and wonder that children bring, and the promise of that first Christmas!

1 comment:

Mom/Nanny said...

The pictures are precious, you could write a children's book about the Christmas story through eyes of a child.

Thank you Jodi for another wonderful year of priceless pictures, words and memories! Looking forward to 2012!

With love and best wishes for a happy New Year to you and all of your readers!