December 27, 2011

Wrap it Up

In our family, December 24th isn't special just because it's Christmas Eve; we also celebrate my mom's birthday! I wonder every year what it was like for my Nana and Pop-pop on that night when their first born arrived. To have such a blessed event occur during the most magical time of year must have certainly seemed extra special to them both.

We are fortunate to now live fairly close to my parents and it was wonderful that this year, with my dad still recouping from ankle surgery (but getting about pretty darn well with his nifty scooter), Bob, Cearra, Owen and I could arrive bearing gifts, dinner, and that most treasured of Kaufmann birthday traditions, the Carvel ice cream cake.

Of course once Owen discovered the packages under the tree bearing his name it was hard to hold him off for long, and we all exchanged Christmas gifts after Nana had opened her birthday presents.

This is the gear kit Owen saw on QVC and called Nana to request.
He figured it out better than the rest of us did!

Extra google-eye stickers from said kit

Uncle Rich and Aunt Cathy gave him a cool "wood" building set

He and Bob built the sail boat project. Thanks Rich and Cathy!

After dinner we headed home to make sure the reindeer food was sprinkled outside, and that a plate of cookies and glass of milk for Santa were left in a handy spot near the fireplace. Owen tried really hard to close his eyes tight and fall asleep so Santa could arrive, and by midnight we were all snuggled in our beds.

While this picture isn't the greatest, I love the excitement I see in Owen running into the family room Christmas morning with Bob hot on his heels!

Cearra got Bob a beautiful new watch

Still loves his John Deere's

Really neat pop-out book from Uncle Gene and Aunt Pam - thank you!

Bird is the word

Cee-Cee's happiness at opening her certificate for a new iPhone

And texting gloves so that she can keep in touch with
her new love while at school and still keep her fingers warm!

Remy loves the wrappings of Christmas too

I think Santa did pretty well this year, and Bob, Cearra and Owen did even better - I am loving my new Troll bracelet and especially the gorgeous beads they selected for me. Cearra chose a ruby bead to represent her and Owen's birthday month, and Bob selected a clear bead with Swarovski crystals in honor of our recent 15 year wedding anniversary (the traditional gift is crystal). They centered the bracelet with a swirly, pretty silver bead that represents Fall because that's my favorite season. Like Cearra, I'm hoping to make each bead on my bracelet meaningful; representative of something/someone I love, and special places/trips/memories in my life. I have my eye on a blue/white Murano glass bead for Penn State, and I'm looking for a bee bead next!

Later in the day we headed off to Aunt Jeanne and Uncle Bud's house for a yummy meal and lots of great conversation. As usual I was too busy talking to take pictures, but I did snap this one of the boys. I loved that this year Owen was happy to go off and play with my cousin's kids; they had a great time together.

Owen, Jason and Cole - adorable! 

So closes another Christmas. As always, my greatest gifts are the people whom I love, and who love me. They don't wear bows on their heads, and they can never be exchanged ... and I treasure them more than any box under the tree. Wishing you all the spirit of Christmas throughout the year.


MOM said...

As always, Jodi, you have written a beautiful piece about a beautiful time of the year. It is so satisfying for parents to see that they have passed down to their children the true meaning of Christmas and family. We had a most wonderful Christmas Eve and Day with our family. It just wouldn't be the same without family and our traditions. Looking forward to next year when Kris and her family can join us. Have a healthy and happy New Year. Love, NANA and POP POP

Nanny/Mom said...

What a lovely 'Christmas Day Journal'... looks and sounds like the perfect day! Happy 'belated' Birthday to you Mom, what a wonderful gift of 'family'.

I especially liked the picture of Owen and Bobby on the run... it truly captures the excitement of Christmas Morning. I remember the 'run' with Bobby and Todd, and I suppose I was right behind them not wanting to miss a thing...

Happy New Year, my it be filled with love, laughter and great memories (I know you'll share), Love Nanny/Mom