July 12, 2012

Bleeding Blue and White ... Still

The jury has spoken, the task force has made public its' report. Columnists are calling for the "death penalty" for Penn State football, and four men (plus one monster) will forever be hated for both what they did, and what they failed to do, among the rolling mountains of Central Pennsylvania.

There is no defense for any of them - each in their own way failed miserably at a very basic tenet of life - protect the weak and innocent. Shame on them.

My heart is still grieving what I now know to be true. A personal hero to me and so many, a man who did many great things in his career, directly contributed to the tragedy that has forever changed my Alma mater and deeply scarred not only those children but an entire community.

I understand that some people only knew Penn State through the blue and white uniforms and grid iron victories. And it's a sad fact of human nature to cheer when a winner falls; to delight in a tarnished legend. Perhaps we were too proud of what we believed was good and true; perhaps we loved our school too much and put too much trust in mere mortals. But to the crowd at Ohio State who jeered and threatened a group of Penn State students, and to the folks at the Kenny Chestnut concert who hurled insults at a young man wearing a "Happy Valley" shirt, well, shame on you too.

I assure you that other than the victims and their families, no one has shed more tears these last few months than the more than half a million alumni and 100,000 current Penn State students. And each blazing headline, each mean spirited comment on facebook or twitter demanding that we be ashamed of our university, inexplicably questioning our character (rather than the perpetrators), or just outright calling us stupid and ignorant (and worse), well, it stings. Do you really believe any of us would have ever wanted this? Supported this?

Yes, it has been difficult to be a proud Penn Stater these last few months, and perhaps no more so than today. And yet, I am. I will always be. Because my university gave me so much and I will defend her and fight for her and see her though.

WE had nothing to do with the crime or the cover-up. WE are embarrassed, ashamed and infuriated that our leaders failed us. WE are hurting too. But, WE are committed to making sure it never happens again - anywhere. WE will continue to work and study and contribute to society in great numbers and deeds. And  WE are, WE have always been, more than a football team and a handful of misguided men.

WE will go on. For the glory of Old State.

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