September 4, 2012

Here We Grow

I sit here typing this in a very quiet house, having taken Owen to his first day of kindergarten at Carroll Lutheran School this morning. The only disruption is Beamer jumping on the desk for a cuddle (and flurry of cat hair), and I'm pleased to report that so far, I'm doing OK.

Yesterday was tough - I was keenly aware of the hours of the last day of life as I'd known it ticking away - and since I cried at both Open House Night and Cookies & Me (meet the teachers), I fully expected to sob this morning.

But Owen did great, I love and feel comfortable with his school and teacher, and tears only threatened once or twice. I stayed for a bit at school to participate in the Teacher's Commissioning and Backpack Blessing, and I think that helped a great deal as I got to see Owen walking in with his classmates. It was a good transition.

It's not that I'm not sad; I'll miss my little buddy tremendously. And I expect that right now the reality of him being gone all day every day hasn't even sunk in, and that I will have some ups and downs over the next weeks. But I realize I have been incredibly blessed to be able to stay at home with him over the past five and a half years, and I am so thankful for that experience and opportunity.

I purposely planned some errands for this afternoon, and maybe I'll even get in a quick trip to Kohl's, and then of course I will be one of the first in line at 3:00 to pick up Owen and give him a huge hug. So before I go, here are some first day pictures (what you've really been waiting for!).

Last night's prep - shining up his shoes

Our traditional teacher's gift 

Too cool for school!

Almost ready to go

Big boy. Bigger backpack.

Mrs. Shrader helping Owen get settled in

Owen's buddies Nick and Dylan arrive

Checking out the girls! It's a 7-3 split,
to which Owen says "thumbs-down"

Blessing of the Backpacks. Can you find Owen?


NANA said...

Thanks for sharing this very special day with us, Jodi. I love the" too cool for school" picture! Happy that both of you made it through the day in good shape. We will look forward to progress reports and seeing you on Sat. Love to all, MOM and DAD

Anonymous said...

The beginning of another of Life's journey. Your family enters this new journey with the love and prayers of family and friends.
Thank you for sharing such a special day.

Aunt Cathy & Uncle Rich

Nanny said...

Oh Jodi, thanks for the pictures. He looks so grown up and I think this will be the perfect start to 'your' (Owen and Mommy's) new journey. Can't wait to hear some weekly updates (your report card to keep us all informed).

Love you all,