September 21, 2007

Ready To Go Racing

Every year we go to the Dover NASCAR race with a bunch of friends. This year Owen really wanted to go - he even dressed in his racing suit - but instead Nanny is going to come stay with him this weekend and I know he'll love that even more (of course Owen's mommy is already wondering how she'll go two days without her baby!)


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you had us voting on costumes and you left this one out. Shame on you! Owen looks awesome in his racing outfit. All you need is an electric race car for him and you've got yourself a great Halloween costume!

Kim said...

I haven't visited in a while and have missed so much. It was great to catch up. I don't know where the time is going??? Enjoy it and savor it all because as you have quickly is going way tooooooo fast. I can't wait to see you guys in our neck of the woods! Kim