November 13, 2007

And The Kid Is Alright

Owen had his 15 month check-up last week, and in some ways I'm beginning to dread these appointments. Beyond the vaccinations (and resulting tears), it's the conversations like this:

Nurse: "Does Owen scribble with crayons?"

Me: "Um, no. I haven't really given him crayons."

"Does he walk backwards or sideways?"

"He turns around and backs up to sit in my lap when he wants me to read him a book. Does that count?"

"Does he imitate household chores? Sweeping, wiping, etc.?"

(Mmmm, why would he when he rarely sees them) "No, but he likes to take the laundry out of the basket."

"Does he stoop and recover?"

(Oh finally ...) "Yep, he's great at that!" (He's also great at tearing paper into little, tiny shreds; opening and closing doors; sitting and standing on command; and figuring out how to get around the baby gate to the stairs, but I don't say any of this).

"Does he have four to five words, or speak in any two to three word sentences?"

"He says Daddy, and DaDa, and sometimes cat, and we are working on that ..." (and hey, he didn't hear English for the first six and a half months of his life!).

So we move on to temperature and measurements (he's gained a little over a pound since the last appointment and he's up to 22lb, 12 oz; he's now 32 1/4" tall - more than two inches growth since August! - and his head is still in the 90th percentile) and Dr. Mike comes in to look him over.

Me: "I'm a little concerned about his language development ..."

Dr. Mike: "We don't even worry about boys until they are at least 18 months old and I can tell by watching him interact he's just fine".

Well, OK then. We come home and that evening I sit Owen down with crayons and paper. He makes one attempt at coloring but has much more fun taking the crayons out of the cup and putting them back in one at a time. Later he walks backwards across the entire foyer, and the next day I swear he says "apple" and "umbrella" as we do flashcards. Yeah, my little guy will be just fine.

But he still won't learn much housework around here.


Anonymous said...

Loved the new pictures! Uncle Rich noticed again that Owen was using his left hand. Yea lefties! Maybe Owen heard the nurse's questions and thought he should try the walking backwards and more words. He could do them, just doesn't like to show off!

Love, Uncle Rich & Aunt Cathy

Anonymous said...

It never fails...Mackenzie always does what ever I said she couldn't as soon as we get home. Although I must say, I have never heard that walking backwards question. Glad to hear that Owen is moving right along.


Anonymous said...

If I were you, I'd focus solely on the cleaning part. Talking and coloring... those can wait!
:) Alison
Mama to Jack AKA The Cleaning Machine

Anonymous said...

Face it, for the first six months of Owen's life he did not have the love of a Mother and Father. He is a happy, lovely (left handed) boy. Look into his eyes now and compare to his pictures six months ago. He is alive and doing well. Just get a hammer and screw driver in his hands and let him go to town..

Uncle Rich

Anonymous said...

Jodi, as for little boys...just ask Kelli! :-)

Anonymous said...

Had a Really Good Belly Laugh reading the post and comments!

Walking backwards, and sideways?? My response would have been...what are you smoking?? Give me some of that!! Does she/he think you are raising the next big Rap Star or something?! I mean everybody knows you walk forward!! Brent broke his arm walking backwards!!

Some say I'm a clean freak, leave him with me for a day, I'll teach him cleaning skills. Brent didn't learn, but maybe O will...

Owen is perfect in every way!!



Anonymous said...

This made me remember one of Joseph's doctor's appointments. They asked if he could name all the parts of his face. I was shocked. Was I supposed to be teaching him that??? No one mentioned that to me. We got right on it when he got home and he learned it in no time.
It also reminds me of the time that (also Joe) was about to start kindergarten. I asked at the preschool where he was, about continuing on for full day kindergarten. They advised against it, because he didn't know his seasons. Well, of course not, we had just moved from Florida 3 months earlier. He'd never seen a season before in his life!
Sometimes people think they can evaluate a person on the strangest things! Although, walking backwards is definitely a new one for me! I'm still trying to master that