December 14, 2007

How Did This Happen?

Owen is 17 months today (how did that happen so fast?)! So, in honor of this milestone, here's a mini update ...

He's still very much the sweet, calm baby we first met, but there are now times when he will "try out" a mini-fit (a few crocodile tears, a little whining) if I tell him no or take something away from him. It never lasts long.

He feeds himself most things and is getting better and better with a spoon and fork. His food favorites are grapes, watermelon, Craisins, yogurt, turkey, noodles and peas. He doesn't like carrots and red peppers.

Not only does he now skillfully walk backwards - he also likes to turn in circles! And he signals "touchdown" on command (very useful skills all).

When he hears the garage door open at night he goes out to the kitchen to greet Daddy.

Owen still loves to read; his current picks are "This is My Puppy", "Pajama Time" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider".

If you're lucky, he'll give you a "fish kiss", the open mouth, slobbery kind.

He loves to push around toys - his lawn mower, ride-on truck (he likes to stand on it too!), ambulance, firetruck, animal train and block bus. He also likes his mega blocks, balls and the fish that squirts water at him in the tub.

When you ask him what a tiger says he growls. Of course he also seems to think most animals make this sound.

He's a great, happy kid who is a joy every single day!

In a few hours my 17-year old special daughter (I've never really liked that whole "step" thing) arrives for the weekend. Nope, I have no idea how she got that old either!


Maureen Powers said...

Happy 17-month birthday, Owen! Sending lots of hugs and kisses your way!

The Powers'

P.S. What's up with the wanting to stand on the dump truck? James has the same dump truck and does the same thing. Although, I caught him trying to jump off it recently, too - aaah!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jodi,
The pictures and your commentary brighten my life every day. Dad and I are so happy for all of you and we just love that little guy to bits!!!!!!