December 30, 2007

Welcoming 2008

Today's confession ...I'm not a big fan of New Year's Eve parties; they feel like too much hope, expectations, regrets, and resolutions crammed awkwardly into a 10 second countdown. I'm not a fan of those "rockin" New Years TV shows, Times Square, or champagne, and definitely not of people who drink too much then get in a car to drive. Some of my best New Years have been spent with Bob and our friends Audrey and Walt, playing cards and talking into the wee hours (and of course that one spent in Pasadena for Penn State's appearance in the Rose Bowl was pretty great!).

Still, there is something undeniable about turning the page on the calendar that triggers certain thoughts, and so, my resolution for 2008 is this: to live more mindfully.

Sounds grand, but I think it's really pretty simple. I will attempt to be more mindful of the food I choose to put into my mouth: more healthy choices, less chocolate (but never no chocolate!), and perhaps more importantly, when and why I choose to eat (am I hungry or simply bored, lonely, stressed?). Same goes for shopping ... do I truly need the item or is it appealing because I'm trying to fulfill some other space inside?

I will try to be more aware of how I interact with Bob, Owen, Cearra, my family and friends. Sometimes in our closest relationships patience and courtesy and even kindness take a back seat; I will be mindful of their importance.

Finally, I will strive to be more aware of how I feel each day and what is important to me. I will try to banish the negative thoughts that do harm and make the conscious effort to look for the good, funny, touching, and wonderful in each and every day.

That's it ... no promises to loose a certain amount of weight, exercise every day, become the "perfect" wife, mother, daughter, friend. Just a willingness and desire to take each day as it comes and to live it mindfully.

I wish you all a year filled with that which is most special to you. Be happy and be healthy, and enjoy 2008!


Anonymous said...

Jodi, It's been such a pleasure to keep up with you and your beautiful family through your blog. I have both laughed and cried at some of your posts. I wish you and your family the very, very best that 2008 can bring.

Much love, your old "Willis" friend,
Ronie Powell

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!!!

My new year resoulution is to keep following this blog....I love hearing and seeing about my little buddy Owen as he discovers all the things life has to offer....

