February 24, 2011


Got an unsolicited (but not SPAM) email today from a company interested in collaborating with me to post a quiz/giveaway on the blog that would “engage my readers” and generate traffic to my site. I politely declined. But it did get me thinking …

I started to blog 360+ posts ago to keep family members and friends in the loop during our journey to Kazakhstan. I add to it now because it seems a good way to share pictures and stories of Owen and Cearra with folks who don't see us much, and because writing is a hobby for me - one I really enjoy. Recently I shared our story on another blog, a new level of openness which was both scary and rewarding, and which I realized might create some new readers. Still, I thought I knew fairly well just who was stopping by – until that email and a casual comment from a friend.

I've never had any site meters or live traffic feeds on our blog. I don’t see your name, location, URL … nothing at all if you stop by without leaving a comment. And that’s fine with me; I'm not going to start secretly tracking visitors to our blog. Although I am far from an emotional “let it all hang out gal”, I do feel that if I write it, and if I don’t make it private, well, there it is and I have to expect that someone might be reading whom I don’t know. I just hope that if you are here, you enjoy it.

Now, all that being well and good, I admit to a growing curiosity as to just who is out there (and also to a little jealousy of the bloggers who get twenty plus comments after each post, but that’s a different days topic). As much as I enjoy sitting here typing away, often late at night when the house is quiet and the office really chilly, I do wonder who's reading, and why.

Do my words move you, make you laugh, or make you ponder? Do you think Owen is as adorable as I do, and do you enjoy Cearra's appearances? Do you just like the pictures of Hilton Head and wish I’d write less?

Do you follow along because you are a survivor, a stay at home mom, or a member of the adoptive community? Do you hope to be? Are you family, or friend, or friend of friend? A one time visitor or a "oh good, Jodi updated again" follower?

Won’t you consider letting me know?

Oh, I realize how easy it is to be derailed in the process of leaving a comment. In my case, the phone (or Owen) rings, the computer crashes, I'm not signed in correctly, can't make out the *&^$**# security word, or Beamer walks across the keyboard (you’d be surprised how often that happens around here).

I've tried to make it easy for you. No password, sign in or Google account required. So how about it? Would you mind taking a minute to say hi? To leave, if you wish, your name. Where you are from. Why you read. What you like about the blog.

It sure would be nice to hear from you.


Nanny said...

No surprise here... I read your blog every day. It helps keep me connected in a way that is so important to me.
Your pictures are amazing but your words are so engaging and paint a picture of 'their' own. When I read I am 'drawn in', I've been known to laugh aloud, cry, and think! Yes think, your words often challenge me to 'stop', contemplate and research topics, causes and places. Your blog helped introduce me to the 'social' aspect of the computer, of actually putting my thoughts down and allowing 'others' to read them. Not easy for me! And after becoming comfortable with the blog I am now on 'facebook'.
I love it Jodi and hope you never stop! Nanny

Jodi said...

Thank you so much Mom/Nanny! I so appreciate all the comments you leave, and I love that you love the blog!!

Susan C. said...

Lets see if I can answer all of your question....
Do my words move you? - Yes!
Do my words make you laugh? - Yes!
Do my words make you ponder? - Yes!
Do you think Owen is as adorable as I do - Yes!
Do you enjoy Cearra's appearance? - Yes!
Do you just like the pictures of Hilton Head and wish I’d write less? - I like both pictures and your thoughts!

Do you follow along because you are a survivor, a stay at home mom, or a member of the adoptive community? - You know the answer to that one!
Are you family, or friend, or friend of friend? - Friend
A one time visitor or a "oh good, Jodi updated again" follower? - I check in on your blog a couple times a week (usually Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays).

But I think you already knew all of this about me! :)
Love you!!

Jodi said...

Susan, you are too cute! I didn't mean that y'all had to literally answer each question!! lol!

My life is so much better for having you in it dear friend. Thank you for following along - and being such a huge part of our journey - and for your comments! I'll try to do better leaving comments for you too - haha!

Love you lots!

Anonymous said...

I have followed along since you began the blog and now it is part of what I do every week. I do it because I love the Mechems and appreciate being able to share in what and how you're doing. I remember my Mom (years ago) calling family/friends and saying " how are you," or "what have you been doing"? For me, this is no different...I care, and you have made it easy Jodi. Truly, I should thank you for taking the time to write...which you do so well. Your blogs also make me think and reflect on issues at times and I value that so much.
Love to each of you,
Aunt Pam
Great Cacapon, WV

Jodi said...

Thank you Pam! I always appreciate your thoughtful comments. You have one of the most genuine, giving, gentle hearts I know, and I value your opinion greatly!

Kris said...

Hi, my name is Kris and I'm a follower of your blog. ;)

I think you know my answers to your questions. I have you on my blog so I know exactly when you post some thing new for me to read and enjoy.


Kim said...

Hi! I am the technologically challenged cousin who quite often gets "derailed" in the comment department. I get to check in periodically and feel connected. I have laughed, cried and sighed at the wonderful HHI pics, wishing that we were there with you!
I do think Owen is adorable and love Cearra's appearances! I am a "oh good, Jodi updated" person! I hope you continue to blog often and continue to enjoy it because we ALL do and it would be missed.
If I ever can remember my Facebook password and unlock the account, I'll follow you there too! ;-) Like I said challenged.
Miss you and hope to talk to you soon!!! Love, Kim

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Leah and we have never met. I am a friend of a friend. (Audrey Strojny) I have been following your blog from the begining. Your story is amazing and your writing skills have kept me coming back for years. Keep up the good work!

Jodi said...

Kris and Kim - thank you for making me laugh!

Kris, I don't know how you find time to read between keeping up with your kiddos, and baking the yummiest stuff on earth! You amaze me little sis : )

Kim, you are too funny! I can just picture you going all "Budsy" on the computer when it won't do what you want it to do! I'd love to hear from you on WILW 'cause you have the best style of anyone I know!!

Love you both!

And Leah, Audrey has talked about you (all good and you know if she didn't like you it wouldn't be - haha!); I'm so glad you follow along! Thanks for saying hi!!

Anonymous said...

Although we don't comment on each blog, we have really enjoyed them. Your gift with words puts us right where you are, enjoying what you do. It's a great way to know what you and your family are doing. Yes, facebook can do that too, I hear. We been enjoying the blog since the very first one and hope that you continue blogging. Regardless of the "topic of the day" your style of writing is enjoyable to read and at times give us new food for thought.

Uncle Rich & Aunt Cathy

Erin said...

Jodi -

Erin here. Love reading your blog to keep current with your life since I don't get to see you as frequently as I wish. Get VERY excited when you have a new post & I check back frequently ... love that Facebook tells me you have updates so I can check in. Love reading about O & C-bird. Love knowing all is well with you & Bob... LOVE the kitty stories. :) Miss you oodles & please keep sharing! Erin

Jodi said...

Aunt Cathy & Uncle Rich - well, I knew you were here, and I'm very glad of that : )! Your support from the very beginning means so much and I love being able to share Owen's life with you both.

Hi Erin!! What nice words - made me choke up a bit! I'm glad we can at least stay in touch through this blog and facebook. I'll try to do an update on the girls for you soon too : )

Deanna said...

I'm here- just a little late to the party! I enjoy reading your blog and following your adorable little guy - since mine are not little anymore, it's fun to follow along as he grows...
I log onto Google analytics to see how many people read, but it can be a good or a bad thing. You need to tell yourself why you blog, and would you still do it if no one were reading. I don't think you'll ever regret having a blog and this blog made into a book for Owen will be a treasure to him someday.