February 16, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

This week I'm really loving that we've finally had a sneak peek at some nice weather the last few days, and ...

I'm loving the gorgeous flowers my dad brought me for Valentine's Day! Hello Spring! Thank you Daddy!

I'm loving Owen's new interest in drawing! Love sitting and coloring with him, even if his portrait of me is less than flattering (hard to see, but I do at least have eyelashes). The thing above me is an excavator bucket with teeth. Of course.

I'm loving The Body Shop's Pink Grapefruit shower gel. Love the zesty, slightly sweet smell, and that studies show when others smell grapefruit on you they think you are five years younger!

I'm loving the bracelet my friend (and fellow Kaz mom!) Tracy sent me! She makes beautiful jewelry using old tin, fabrics, etc. Sound interesting? Check her creations out here popli. Thank you Tracy!

I'm loving that our family and friends all know and support Owen's John Deere obsession! Here's our neighbor Donna posing in a very special Gator she saw in Florida, waving to Owen!

I'm loving this Valentine's Day card from my oldest friend Bea! Each person has a little quote of what they loved last year - so cute! Such a beautiful - inside and out - family.

Now it's your turn to play along ... I know there must be something you're loving right now!

1 comment:

NANA said...

Hi Jo,

I am loving the sunshine and being able to take the dogs for a nice walk this afternoon.

I am loving the beautiful citrine studs Dad gave me for Valentine's Day.

I am loving my new community and most of all I am loving that I have such a great family each and every day.

Have a good Wed. Love, MOM