March 26, 2012

Shine On Cearra!

Okay, here's the truth ... grades one through twelve were a bit of a struggle for Cearra. Not because she wasn't smart; no, not at all. Not because she failed tests or didn't understand the work. Nope. She wasn't a terrible, truant, or troublesome student. But self-doubt left her questioning whether she could do it, and so often she chose not to try to do it. Cearra didn't believe inside that she was a star, and school brought her little joy.

We tried - oh, how we tried - to encourage, support and instill confidence; to help her see in herself the strength and capabilities Bob and I (and plenty of others) saw. Yet despite many successes throughout the years, including being admitted into a magnet high school for the Legal Academy and completing an award winning senior project, Cearra seemed to always question her ability to excel.

Well, not anymore. 

Not in "grades" thirteen through sixteen.

Now our girl is shining bright! And I think the well-deserved pride and exuberance she is taking in her inclusion on Dean's List and invitation to join not just one, but three (!) honor societies is made even sweeter by the undeniable fact that she proved to herself she could indeed do it. That she is every bit as smart, determined, and dedicated as we told her all along.

Cearra set high personal goals and then exceeded them. She worked hard and kept at it even when the going got tough. In the process, she learned to believe in herself. And I think that is one of the stellar gifts of education.

Keep on shining Cearra; the galaxy awaits you!

Induction ceremony for Sigma Beta Delta,
International Business Honor Society

Nanny has always believed in C too

Flanked by her senior thesis professor and the keynote speaker,
Professor William Kehoe of UVA's McIntire School of Commerce 

We are all so very proud of her!


Nanny/Mom said...

What a wonderful testimony to Cearra and her achievements! ...and yes I have always known and believed in her ability to 'shine'. She always has and always will hold a very special place in my heart.

She is a strong, beautiful, intelligent young lady, and I know she will continue on 'life's journey' shinning her inner light on all of those she meets.

I love you Cearra, Nanny

NANA said...

Hi Jodi,
PopPop and I are extremely proud of Cearra and her accomplishments over the last four years. We are eager to have her closer so we can see her more and follow her future accomplishments. "C" if you are reading this, Congrats!! You have done a SUPER job!! Love,Nana PS. Jodi and Bob have done a super job, too, supporting Cearra all the way! Congrats to you also!