March 6, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yep, that's my number! 45 years ago today I arrived, mid-snowstorm, into this wonderful world.

It's not the prettiest number. Oh, no, not because of the actual age factor; just because I like symmetry (44 was good!) and I have a thing for even numbers (46 will be just fine).

The actual age thing - as in, "boy, you are closing in on 50 now!" bothers me not at all. Despite the fact that my spare tire has turned into an all-weather radial and I suspect that I will soon have to buy the hair color box that says for those with more than 50% gray, my forties have been great so far and I have no reason to think this year won't be too.

I celebrated turning 40 in Kazakhstan with my baby boy in my arms and I've spent the last 5 years doing a job that I love - and that I'm damn good at! I've figured myself out: the strengths and weaknesses, and I am at peace with me. I've finally learned that fine balance between being a nice person ... and being a door mat. I've been married for 15 years and think it's getting better and stronger as we go. I have great family and friends. I know who's got my back, who I can count on, who loves me for me. Most days, I don't sweat the small stuff (although some days I do sweat, hot flashes come along with this age).  I'm healthy and happy. And lastly? As any cancer survivor will tell you - any day without blood draws, doctor appointments, or treatments is a good day; any day that you are still here, kicking and breathing, is a GREAT day.

So Happy Birthday to me! I'm gonna cherish that "ugly" number!


Anonymous said...

Dear Jodi,

Wishing you as well, a wonderful birthday and a great year. You are truly a blessing to all who know you and an inspiration. You are always trying to be the best you can be. A quality that I truly value. You give of yourself and most importantly you are a "genuine" person... someone who can always be counted on. Much love to you dear and "happy birthday".

Anonymous said...

Dear Jodi,

Happy Birthday! We know that your special day will be filled with lots of love from all of those you cherish.

Uncle Rich & Aunt Cathy

Mom/Nanny said...

Happy Birthday Dear Jodi, ♬♩♪♫

Found this quote and thought of you, it sums up the way you live your life each day.
"Count your life by smiles, not tears.
Count your age by friends, not years."

You are such a wonderful inspiration to all of us, and I love you!
Wishing you a wonderful day filled with all the things and especially the people you love.
