October 31, 2007

BOO (or is it boo-hoo?)

The Halloween festivities started off just fine for Owen ... he and I spent a beautiful Tuesday walking around the yard and that night he got to help carve the pumpkin (slimy fun!). Wednesday morning Nana and Pop-pop came down to play, Nanny sent a package full of yummy treats, and Daddy came home early for dinner. Then it was time for costuming! And this is when, for Owen, the holiday became more trick than treat.

Black turtleneck, black pants and socks, no problem. Bee costume no problem. Bee wings (that Mommy went to four stores to find) ... big problem. Our happy-go-lucky little goblin melted down.

So this year Halloween consisted of Daddy carrying Owen to two houses to visit friends before we headed home, changed into PJ's and just had fun greeting the princesses and ghosts and pirates and witches who came to our door.


Anonymous said...

Awww! I've been checking the blog all evening to see how things went for Owen's first Halloween! Evidently, he had a different plan for the night! He looked adorable, with and without wings! Just in time for the new Bee Moving coming out on Friday!!

shannon said...

Owen is the cutest little bumblebee I've ever seen!

Andy got pink eye, so we decided he wouldn't share that "treat" with other families this Halloween!


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Owen enjoyed most of Halloween. He looks adorable in the costume. The girls also enjoyed their night of trick or treating...even scoring some extra pieces of candy for being cute.


PS- discover limited edition Razzberry M&M's...very tasty.

Maureen Powers said...

Owen is too cute as a bumblebee!

Our first Halloween was not too bad, James refused to wear his pumpkin stem (hat) and wanted to keep running after the "big" kids and going into people's homes. 4 houses was enough for us!

Enjoy November!

The Powers'

Anonymous said...

Never new bumble bees could be so cute! Love the face when he first touched the pumpkin "stuff". I still feel that way. The picture of him sitting with his cup is too cute. It's like he is saying "Okay, enough with the camera". He probably doesn't appreciate all the pictures, but we do!
Love, Uncle Rick & Aunt Cathy

Anonymous said...

What an adorable little bee!
He is really getting big too!
The upside to only visiting a few homes is that you are not stuck with a big bag of candy staring you in the face! I'm sure he had fun greeting trick or treaters!
Oh.....Evan and Braden also have a Nana and a Pop Pop! (and a Boompa and Gigi!)
Linda Altemus