October 20, 2007

The Great Pumpkin Pursuit

What a beautiful day to take Owen pumpkin picking! He started by looking over some that were a bit too big before choosing one just his size. We purchased a family pumpkin too and we'll carve it for Halloween; I think Owen might like playing with the "goop".

After the farm we went to check out Bob's company's new ranch house digs; settlement was yesterday (also our 11th wedding anniversary!). It's 4,000 feet of office space and another reminder of how much the company has grown over the past six years.

Then we came home just in time to host Nana and Pop-Pop for pizza and Carvel ice cream cake - a family tradition - to celebrate my dad's birthday. They were on their way home from vacation in Hilton Head and we were really happy they got to stop by and visit.

Now Bob, Owen and I are going to put our feet up and watch some college football. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Anonymous said...

All of the pictures are just dear, but the one I find priceless is the one of Bob and Owen walking away together. It looks like they are both adjusting their steps to accommodate the other...Bob slowing down and Owen trying to speed up. Sort of how we all go through life...changing our pace for the people we love. Pam

Anonymous said...

I know I said it a million times, but Owen is so gosh darn cute! Just when you think he can't possible get any cuter than he already is...he does!!



Anonymous said...

I loved the one of Daddy and son walking back to the car. That one is priceless. Glad to see that Owen found a pupmkin his size.


PS- Congrats to Bob and his company on their new digs.

Anonymous said...

Pic of Owen and Bob is, hands down, priceless! Congratulations to Bob and Happy Birthday to Mr. K!