October 10, 2007


Have you been logging on each day hoping for a new post? Missing my bits of wit and wisdom? Feeling a little down in the dumps without new pictures of Owen to make you smile? If so, you may be experiencing BHO (Bringing Home Owen) Withdrawal.

Luckily I've now won the battle with Comcast and after five days and numerous calls we finally have cable and Internet services again. So savor this post and know there should be a big one next week after we return from our trip to Atlanta!

So what's Owen been up to lately? Well, I'm trying to get him to help me with the housework ... but that's not going too well; he didn't like pushing the mop and I have to carry him when I vacuum because he doesn't like the noise.

He doesn't watch any television except for the first 10 minutes of Elmo's World on Sesame Street, but as you can see, as soon as he hears Elmo's giggle he sits in front of the TV and becomes enthralled.

I'm trying to teach him to smile for the camera in the hopes of one day having great professional pictures taken. I've posted one of last night's practice photo shoot. We're getting there.

Owen still loves the cats and pets Sadie and Ava every chance he gets (Beamer runs and Remy is always upstairs). Thankfully they are both pretty tolerant, even when he gives them kisses by putting his head on theirs or gently touching their whiskers.

He has discovered how much fun it is to pull the toilet paper from the roll; he laughs hysterically when you let him feed you some of his food (I try to make sure it's toast or Cheerios he wants to give me rather than mushy carrots or lima beans); and he's now practically running across the family room so he can crash into the couch.

And his final new trick ... growling. I'm not sure how it started - perhaps I make a similar sound when we are "wrestling" or maybe my lion roar is a little off - but at least once a day he'll lower his chin and growl! Of course I laugh, and so encourage it. I figure it's a good Halloween sound effect, even thought bees don't growl.

That's all for now ... have a great weekend and check back again next week.


Anonymous said...

So Happy that you are back on line and we are getting new pictures of that adorable face! Will be eager to see the blog after your trip and catch up on how everyone is doing. Have fun with all your Kaz buddies and with Kim and her gang. Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

We missed you! It is always a great day when there is an update to the blog and new pictures. Looks like you are making progress with the "smile for the camera". Can't wait to hear about your trip to Atlanta.

Uncle Rich & Aunt Cathy

Anonymous said...

Great to see my adorable nephew's face again. I was definitely having BHO withdrawal. Have a great weekend with all the other Kaz cuties. Can't wait to see that posting. :)
