October 17, 2007

Mommy's Little Helper

Occasionally, Owen's mom is a little klutzy and does something like spill a whole bag of cat food on the floor. Luckily, she now has first rate help with the clean-up (Sadie was just out of frame doing her part too)!


Anonymous said...

He is just the cutest thing! I loved this age. It's heaven. I never get that baby envy but, oh when I get around a 16/18 month old I want one again so badly. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see Owen cleaning up the mess instead of making. Wait until that fun starts. Sam's an expert.


Anonymous said...

Now that our construction is almost over, we could use Owen's help cleaning up. Even if it is just keeping Cally out of the way!!

Uncle Rich & Aunt Cathy

Anonymous said...

I love it!! Jack picks up the cat bowls when they are done and hands them to me. Owen can feed the cats and Jack can pick up after them. Now, how do we get them to clean out the litter box....?!